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Life skills for you: 10 secret manners of a queen Part I

This serie opens the list of good manners known as secret traits of recognised status and grace.(Omitting or messing up with these rules will almost certain cause either shuted doors or a note:"Well, it's not quite our status, darling".

So, if you care for your reputation, take a note of the following royal customs:

1) The language you use can say a lot about you:

- where you’re from,

- who you spend your time with,

- what type of upbringing you had.

Let us start with the few words to avoid at all costs. Instead, use their euphemism (softer and more pleasant versions):




Rest room or loo


Excuse me



Living Room

Sitting room




Scent or Fragrance





2) Signals with accessories.

  • Keeping or moving the bag or clutch

"The bag is used by the Queen Elizabeth, for instance, to indicate her wishes when navigating official functions.

If the Queen shifts her bag from one hand to the next, it signals that she is ready to end her current conversation. As well as this, if those in-the-know see that the Queen has placed her bag on a table, they'll be aware that the Queen is ready to leave an event in the next five minutes."

You may say: "Who cares about this nowadays?" Well, you will be surprised, but the way you hold your handbag or a clutch tells a lot about you. Those familiar with the handbag etiquette, will quickly read your personality, your style and your manners and poise . For instance, in public places, avoid placing your bag on the table as it is considered unsanitary, on the floor, or on the back of a chair as it might be distractive to people passing by, and makes it susceptible to thieves. Instead, sit your bag on an empty chair at the table, place a smaller bag on your lap or place your bag behind you so you can feel it as you sit. This also allows you to maintain a straight posture while seated.

  • Wearing certain colours or jewels

Finally, should the Queen start to twist her wedding ring, immediate action is required! The twisting of the ring means she wishes to exit a conversation without delay. We sure wouldn't want to leave the Queen waiting, would you?

Another well known custom is that of how to wear a brooch. Margaret Thatcher and Madeleine O'Brien are famous for their communication language by this jewellery. “They (brooches) express the state of my soul,” – used to say Margaret. Depending on the location and the shape of brooche, one could predict an outcome of the negotiations or discussion.

And again thinking that a brooch is an old fashion accessory might be not right. Imagine if you pin it on the hat, a scarf, headband or even your shoes for special occasion. Just do not overcome the rules of Jewellery and Accessories Etiquette, especially in a business attire to avoid misjugement.

We are happy to discuss or to elaborate in private consultancy any of the modern norms of Etiquette and can provide a specially tailored presentation for social gatherings and private parties. Contact us for further details either by phone (+357 99 859 352) or by using our chat and feedback forms.

Yours @Etalon Etiquette Club & school

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